July 8, 2013

Quote of the Week: Deep into Nature

I could probably say for almost every creative that nature is a source of inspiration. I know for myself whenever I am feeling lackluster and unmotivated, outside is where I head first. It could be a walk around the park, a bike ride downtown, a trip to a the farmer's market. Anything really. I find it opens the mind and allows the creative juices to flow once again.

What do you do when you are feeling uninspired? Share your secrets!

( Photo and type by Danielle Marshall )

  1. this is great! Inspiration will come and go. I think the biggest thing is to find things that make you truly happy and to cut out all the clutter in your life so you can see things clearly, more focused on what things should be then how other see them.

    So yes, for me, if I feel uninspired I look at what I added into my life that changed that, I cut it free and get lost and find myself again :)
