October 20, 2012



I have heard this quote, in one form or another, a countless number of times. I never paid much attention to it, because I thought it didn't apply to me. I am a go-getter. I am always doing. However, there is one thing I've done a lot of talking about and not a lot of doing. That thing is blogging.

I've been blogging since the beginning of 2011. I would say I blogged pretty consistently with a feature here and a feature there. It wasn't until this past May that blogging took a back burner in my life. I graduated college, got married, and moved in the time span of a month. I thought I could handle it. Nope! I put way too much on my plate. As the summer continued on, I tried several times to get back into blogging, but I just couldn't. I spent too much time dwelling on "will people read my blog?", "will they like me?", "what can I give people?" These thoughts and many others went through my mind bogging me down for most of the year and into this year. It wasn't until yesterday when I re-found this quote did I realize that I just need to blog. Blog for myself and myself only. That's how it should be anyway right?

So, from this day on, I am going to blog for me with no expectations. My manifesto of sorts this year is make it happen, but with no added pressure to have to perform. Blogging is supposed to be a creative outlet and not a stress inducer. Here's blogging about what we want, when we want!

  1. So glad to have you back in the blogging world. I have missed one of my favorite blogging friends! Seriously.

    No creative outlet should ever become a burden, so I am glad you came back on your terms! Even though I've missed ya!

    Love the new blog. Can't wait for your posts :)
